Monday, January 17, 2011


Dan aku memang penakut
Mengakui cinta kepadamu
Seribu kali ku cuba ucapkan
Bila bersamamu

Kau bukan milikku
Dan engkau pun tahu
Kau bukan milikku

-yuna (penakut)-

Its gonna be different this new year. I hate the feeling of being left alone. Especially by you.

OK so now it was ended. It was fine. I wasn't hurt so brutally like ever before.

I guess I'm handling myself very well now.

But still I'm only a girl.

There's time when u came across my mind n i feel so sad just by thinking bout it.

Maybe i should 'layan' the sorrow feeling for a week.

I feel like shopping this moment. But emak is guarding my money now -"______-

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